Phyllis Hostmeyer and Marilyn Adele Kinsella
ISBN: 1-59884-494-6
ISBN-13: 978-1-59884-494-8
120 pages

Libraries Unlimited

Publication: 10/30/2010
List Price: $30.00 (UK Sterling Price: £20.95)
Availability: Available November, 2010
Media Type: Paperback
Trim Size: 8 1/2 x 11

Description: Storytelling and QAR Strategies offers a clear, detailed explanation of this research-based, reading comprehension framework, providing teachers, school librarians, and storytellers with the tools they need to incorporate the deep learning of QAR into storytelling events and classroom work. The authors furnish traditional tales, fables, and myths related to the 12 pillars of character education, underscoring the traits of caring, citizenship, fairness, honesty, respect, and responsibility. Each story is supported by QAR questions and includes activities for pre- and post-reading, as well as complete documentation and source information.

Bundling together character education, storytelling, and QAR, the book puts all of the necessary materials at the fingertips of teachers and librarians. It is also a valuable tool for storytellers, with guidance on developing the QAR strategies around a multitude of stories. Research proves that teaching QAR strategies results in deepened student comprehension as well as higher test scores. Thanks to this book, implementing the technique has never been easier.

Title Features:
• Stories for grades 3-8, separated by grade level
• Questions for each QAR strategy for each story
• Worksheets, organizers, and activities

About the Author: Phyllis Hostmeyer, a consultant for Educational Resources Group, Inc., works internationally conducting professional development for educators.

Marilyn Adele Kinsella of Fairview Heights, IL, has told stories professionally as a teacher and children's librarian since 1981.
You can contact me personally  for questions and purchases.

Contact information: 

Marilyn Kinsella   645 Pleasant Ridge Rd.  Fairview Heights, IL 62208                                                    618/397-1377         


Phyllis Hostmeyer  375 N. Eighth St.    Breese, IL 62230                                                                              618/526-4894                


Phyllis and Marilyn offer workshops and teacher professional development days that employ the premises the book.

Here is a 3-hour workshop called A Bundle of Sticks: Storytelling, QAR, and Character Education

1.      Introductions and successes using this method in schools and teacher workshops (Marilyn and Phyllis)

2.      Storytelling (Marilyn) – “Letting the Story Take Wing” – a look at other modes of presenting a story and why storytelling is the one mode that feeds all the senses. (Lecture/handout)

3.      Question Answer Relationship (Phyllis) – Description of what QAR is and its proven success in raising comprehension levels in all grade levels. Lecture/ Model taking the story “A Bundle of Sticks” and developing a QAR. (Lecture and Discussion)

4.      Choosing a story with desired character traits (Marilyn) – discussion on what makes a good story for the age level and for the desired character trait with recommended stories, books, and websites. (Lecture and discussion)

5.      Finding the right activity to complement grade level, the character trait and QAR. (Lecture) Model various activities (demonstration) Examples: Freeze Frames; Book Bits;

6.      Group work – Give participants a fable that uses a character trait as its theme. Have them choose a grade level (3-4th; 5-6th; 7-8th ) Have them develop a QAR  (Small Group or solo audience participation)

7.      Group work – Using the selected, modeled activities above (#5), choose one that is grade appropriate and  adapt it to use with the fable. (Small Group or solo audience participation)

8.      Marilyn and Phyllis will guide and answer questions as they present themselves.

9.      Ask for volunteers to present their “bundle of sticks” by telling/reading the fable, asking the QAR and showing the activity. (Small Group or solo audience participation) 

10.  Ready-made “Bundle of Sticks” – on-line websites and books. (Discussion and Handout) 

11.  Evaluations  

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