
                                                                         Marilyn A. Kinsella


PUPPETS:  Bud and Sally Jean

PROPS:    A rainbow (with no color blue) for the side of the stage in Act 2

 ACT 1    (Bud and Sally Jean appear on stage) 

S.     Hi Bud, you’re looking mighty blue.  What’s got you down in the dumps?

B.    Oh, just about everything.  My baseball team hasn’t won one game; my hamster is sick; and I’ve lost my lunch money.

S.     Wow!  You sure have a dark cloud following you around.  But, you know what they say - behind every cloud there’s a rainbow to chase the blues away. 

B.    Who said that? 

S.     The storyteller did when she came to tell us stories about being hopeful. 

B.    I was probably sick.  I’m just hopeless. 

S.     Nothing is ever hopeless.  Just listen to the story the storyteller told us. 

(Storyteller comes out and tells “The First Rainbow” - a story from the book Stories the California Indians Told.)

Act 2  (Add the rainbow to the side of the stage - without the color blue in it)

B.    That story gave me a new outlook.  You know, my team isn’t so bad.  We have some good hitters and with just a little more work we can win.

S.     That’s the spirit, Bud! 

B.    And I’ll take my hamster to the vet.  I’ll bet she knows what’s wrong with it and in no time Harry will be as good as new. 

S.     By george, I think you’ve got it!  And since you lost your lunch money, I’ll share my lunch with you.  That is if you don’t mind bologna and grape jelly on crackers,

B.    My favorite.  You are right, Sally Jean, with just a little hope things can turn around and you can make the best of a bad situation. 

S.     And look, Bud, there’s your very own rainbow.  Let’s sing the rainbow song.  All of you can join in if you like. Rainbow song by Ella Jenkins:

I know the colors of the rainbow/ I know them very well I’d say

And if any colors are missing/ I’d know it right away - I’d know it right away.

Red - Red is the color of the rainbow/ I know it very well I’d say

And if any color was missing/ I’d know it right away - I’d know it right away

 ( sing the song for Orange, yellow, green, purple - but not blue) 

 (repeat 1st verse)

B.    Wait a minute, wait a minute.  There is a color missing.  Boys and girls do you know what color is missing?  (wait for the answer “blue”)

B.    That’s right the color blue.  Blue is always in a rainbow.

S.  Yes, Bud, I know that, you know that, the boys and girls know that. But this is your rainbow, Bud.  Designed especially for you - to give you hope when the dark clouds start gathering.  (a little louder) It’s the rainbow that chases the blues away!

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