READ-A-Wee Home Page
Many thanks to the RAW staffs over the years. These classmates put their hearts and souls into collecting stories, taking
pictures, editing, selling subscriptions, and collecting ads. I remember when the RAW came out. We read it front to 
back. Many saved these papers and shared them with me. If you have any old editions, please contact me. Marilyn
Early RAWs 1939-1943 
Excerpts from June 1, 1940 Read-A-Wee
Nov. 1950 and April/ May 1951 and May 1952   
                                                      Thanks to Pat Baeske for having the following pages professionally scanned. 1956-1961
  • 1956-1957 School Year
  • 1957-1958 School Year
  • 1958-1959 School Year
  • 1959-1960 School Year
  • 1960-1961 School Year
  • 1961-1962 School Year
  • 1963 April and December
  • 1964 - 1965 School Year  
  • 1965 - 1966 School Year
  • 1969 - 1970 School Year
  • 1970 - 1971 School Year


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