Drew is Seven!



Wow! Drew is seven. We had such fun the summer she turned seven. We went to Disney World and had perfect weather. She was our princess the whole time. During the summer she went swimming again at Splash City, and she now can float on her back and swim across the pool. We did some library programs and, of course, Dairy Haven for ice cream on those hot evenings.

Time for school - second grade at Holy Trinity. Drew loves to read, but I fear she is a tad attached to the computer. The schools are teaching so many things that I was never taught until I was older. It's a struggle at times, but once she grasps a concept, she does well. We spent many Sundays together going to Reconciliation and Eucharistic meetings. Her first communion: April 15,  2012

This and That

Snow Ride

Disney with the Family

                                                                        Drew's Birthday with cake and Fancy Nancy Party