Welcome to Christmas 2005! Drew is now 18 months old. She is just becoming aware of the Christmas season. When she sees the lights on decorating houses she says "Oooh! Oook!" We tried to teach her the one finger rule for Christmas ornaments on the tree. So, far she hasn't tried to pull the tree down. Before Christmas I bought her  beaurtiful, wooden table and chair set for her to use while she visits her mo-mo and po-po. I also bought a cupboard for her to keep her toys in. She still delights in books and being read to. This Christmas it was a Christmas book that Annt Sue gave her. It has all kinds of touch-feelies and things to pull and press.

We had our Kinsella Christmas in New Athens at Paul and Tabatha's home on Christmas Eve. It was a warm 50 degrees when we got home. What a glorious surprise to wake up to big, fat snowflakes dropping lazily from the dark morning sky. Soon, Danny was awake (Santa had to ring the sleigh bells 6 times before he woke up). He had on his glow-in-the-dark blue jammies. And, then, Drew arrived still clad in her pink jammies. Those two made Christmas morning for us.

Santa went all out this year with many, many gifts under the tree. After the rummaging and pillaging of opening all of them, we settled down to a breakfast. That's were the true blessings were. Melissa is with us this year. So, we had a full table.

Later that day - after several well-deserved naps, we went over to Aunt Connie's for supper. She had everyone downstairs in the basement this year. Her granddaughters had decorated it and it was nice for everyone to sit around the same table.


                                             The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: 

                             the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.  ~Burton Hillis

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